Monday, May 6, 2013

Kelsey and Mark

My cute cousin recently got engaged so I asked if I could do a little engagement session with them to help update my portfolio...turns out several others have asked these two to model for them as well! I guess that's the burden of being a good lookin' couple!
How they met..."We met at Utah State. We were both living in the same apartment complex and in the same ward. After a few months of bumping into each other we started hanging out and then started dating in January (2012). We dated for a little over a year and he proposed in March!"
How he asked her: "He was trying to make it a surprise since I knew it was on his birthday/Easter he took me on a picnic to a favorite spot in Logan Canyon by a river. He brought an Easter basket for me and in each egg was a little something that represented things from us dating. The last egg had a letter he had written to me. Then he got down on one knee and proposed! 
It's funnier in person because we both have different stories of how it happened ha ha! Mark says that instead of saying 'yes' I said, 'Hurry up and put it on my finger and get up here!' Ha ha (I definitely said yes first!)."

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