Monday, July 22, 2013

Brittnie + Colton Engaged

When I pulled into the driveway of Colton's parent's home...I had one of those jaw dropping moments. This house was beautiful and pretty close to a mansion! The masonry work (I don't even know if I'm saying that right) was really something. Most of which was done by Colton and his dad. Then I met the happy couple and they had just as much character as the house! These two were just so comfortable with each other and look so good together. The session was another fun one with lots of laughing. I love when that happens!

Gorgeous ring, right?

Isn't Brittnie just a doll!! 
And I know, I post a TON of pictures from each session...I just love pictures and it's really hard for me to just pick a few. There's probably a name for that!

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